
Who am I?

Well I'm not Spiderman...far from it...
I'm a creative designer - still in school! But want to become professional.
I've been self teaching myself on Photoshop for 3.5 years now and still am! However, I've been editing since I was 6! Well...not heavy duty editing, just simple edits on MS Paint but it all counts!

I'm hoping to get an A* in Graphic Design GCSE then maybe progressing on to College to increase my knowledge within this area and then from there, whatever happens goes! OR maybe just an Apprenticeship - really do not know.
Know any places who offer Graphic Apprenticeships? Do get in touch.

How much of what's on the blog is mine?
Well nearly everything. I do not create some images (e.g. Homer Simpson) BUT I manipulate them. Some images I have created entirely from scratch like the Mockingjay fire bird and the Modern Warfare style logos. Lots of my artwork is original - I don't believe in copying and pasting.

Everything on this blog is my own personal work so I'd appreciate it if you don't steal it. If you would like to use any of my work, please contact me first so I know who and where it's being used.

Oh and also, I'm still learning HUGE chunks of design and using photoshop so if you see something where you think you could help me, PLEASE email me. I would love to hear your opinions/feedback.

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About Me

I'm a creative designer - still in school - but want to become professional. All of my work will be on here!
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